Download the first comprehensive business guide to the mobile app lifecycle.

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Is your brand "mobile first?"

Get ready for what's next with our complete guide to the mobile app lifecycle.

For consumers, mobile already comes first. Apps are the first place they turn to shop, navigate, find information, be entertained and more. The world has already changed—yet far too many brans are lagging behind.

That's why we created Mobile First, the first comprehensive guide to harnessing the mobile app lifecycle. In this highly detailed eBook, you'll discover:

  • The $16 billion mobile opportunity gap
  • The 3 big changes your brand must make to put mobile first
  • Key steps for each phase of the mobile app lifecycle
  • Useful checklists for creating a mobile RFP

Phunware has helped global brands become mobile-first and succeed across the mobile app lifecycle. This free eBook distills all of that experience and expertise to help your brand make the shift and win.